Design and Layout

Design At Graphic Sky Printing, we offer affordable design services for any stage of your project. Communication is clear and prompt, and we always meet deadlines and budgets. If we're not the right fit for your project, we'll give you an honest assessment and connect you to the right people. Design is a collaborative process, and we believe that the more creative it is, the better the outcome. Honest communication about objectives, expectations, and costs is key to achieving the best results.

Get Started: Submit your Design Inquiry today.


Design Portfolio:


While large corporations sometimes spend millions of dollars designing their logos, we can help you come up with a good looking mark that you can be proud of (and afford). We can start from scratch, work off a drawing or sketch, or simply redraw and update an old logo.

Types of logos:

  • Lettermarks use acronyms to shorten longer names (think IBM) 
  • Wordmarks or Logotypes use fonts, colors and simple graphics (think Coca-cola) 
  • Pictoral marks use icons to represent your company (think Apple symbol), these can be straightforward, or abstract, often they are single color vector graphic that can be used with text or stand alone 
  • Combination marks use elements of both, including photos to brand an organization.

Graphic Sky LogoKellam OrthodonticsSF Oxygen BarThe RockSF Maintenance CompanyNM Pest ControlSanta Fe Vacuum ExcavationAdopt a DogLegacy Graphic Sky Logo

Arctic Climate Impact Assessmentlogo design for Adopt-an-Arroyo programBabel EducationSierra Encantada ConstructionPure NailsPecos PropaneLogo ConceptA Couple of CleanersSanta Fe Skies RV ParkHygiene with HeartApache RanchThe Pepper CaseMy Little Horse ListenerProof PerfectSanta Fe House DoctorAntelope Canyon SuitesSF Oxygen BarJetstream TechFour Winds Institute

Marketing Collateral

Marketing collateral includes all of the different pieces that make up your marketing efforts.

  • Business card 
  • Rack cards 
  • Brochures 
  • Postcards 
  • Stationary
Business CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardnullBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness CardBusiness Card 2
Rack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack CardRack Card
BrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBusiness CardBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochuresBrochures